
Abstract edge

1. Create a new document 300x112, blank.

2 - Create a new layer and select the Polygonal Selection Tool. Hold shift and draw something like this:


Fill the selection with black.

3. Go to Select –> Modify -> Contract. It is recommended to put 5 pixels or more. Delete what was selected.

4. Duplicate the layer and paint the inside with the color that you want. It is something like this:


5. Move the layer 2 copy to the middle as shown:


6. Select Layer 2, right click on it and go to Blending Options > Drop Shadow, Bevel and Emboss + contour and gradient overlay:


7. Now go to the lower layer (white background), take the "magic eraser tool" (W) select and delete the layer to make trasparente around:


8. The edge is ready. Now increment your background, place text and renders its own way and can look like this:


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