
Acid Ferve

Open a new document with 800 x 600 pixels  resolution and reset the colors (pressing D), change the white color to another color (in the example, I’m using red).

Go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds and your picture will look like this:


Now, go to Filter -> Stylize -> Glowing Edges and put the following values:


Apply Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur with the following values​​:


Go to Image -> Rotate Canvas -> 90¢ª CCW and apply the effect Filter -> Stylize -> Wind with the following values :


Press Ctrl + F and go to Filter -> Stylize -> Wind with the condition \" From Left \" and press Ctrl + F again.

Rotate your canvas again (Image -> Rotate Canvas -> 90¢ª CW) .
Duplicate the layer, name it as Chrome and change her mode to Overlay.


Apply Filter -> Render -> Lens Flare with the following values​​:


Go to Filter -> Sketch –> Chrome and try with different values ​​to give more effect to the image:


If you want to change the colors, you must attach a Layer (merge) with Ctrl + Shift + E.
Change the Hue/Saturation (Ctrl + U) values to find the color that you want, then, the picture will be finished.


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